Friday, 21 May 2010

Case closed

It seems from this latest poll the people of Arizona are more than happy with the actions of their elected officials despite the best efforts of Obama and his lapdogs in the media. Imagine politicians upholding the law and putting the electorate's not supposed to work like that!If only our new government could take a leaf out of Arizona's playbook and perhaps listen to the long suffering British people......that would be a novel approach hey?


James Higham said...

Well done, Arizona.

monkey said...

we will be there soon...woo whooo

Weekend Yachtsman said...

The difference is, they have democracy whereas we have a political class.

Old BE said...

Do you have a link to anything about the law itself? I would be interested to read that.

Thud said...

B.E. I wouldn't know were to start! The law is a big deal in America as it touches on so many points besided immigration such as States rights versus federal govt which is a continuing contest the civil war not withstanding. The people of Arizona maintain that the federal Govt has manifestly failed in its constitutional duties in the area of border control etc....we will see much more about this as Obama plans what can only be described as revenge via the attorney general.