It may have been another glorious sunny day today but I spent some of the day chopping wood to add to my rather meagre pile shown above. I enjoyed this years rather cold weather but the new house requires some serious heating, so no tree is safe...well my neighbours anyway.
Oh, oh! Sounds like you have caught Vinomaker's disease!
All the bits of wood bigger than 2" from the old berberis are stacked up for burning too!
In fact some went on a couple of nights ago. Unheard of in June!
It's amazing how it all mounts up if you keep adding bits...
erm is there not painting to be done???? you only have a few weeks left
You don't stack it then? Probably knackered after cutting it.
James...I have filles space available in outbuildings and i;m now looking at building a drying shed...I just need to find some plans.
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