Family OTW depart for our biannual Californian sojourn in 3 weeks time and so my blog will soon start taking on a more American flavour (or flavor?) The building shown above is an earlier incarnation of
San Francisco's cliffhouse restaurant. The present building is a favourite place of mine to watch the sun go down over the pacific but I must admit it is not a patch on its former magnificent self....clever buggers with a few bits of wood our colonial cousins.
Stewart Brand wrote about its metamorphosis in his book "How Buildings Learn". Worth reading.
Gallimaufry...thanks for that.
Don't like to complain (oh yes I do) but this is a repeat your before vacation blog of last year,the only difference is the angle of the pictures when taken,are you so run down from overwork? that your now repeating yourself,I think we should be told,on the other hand it could be myself in Deja vu mode.
Albert...just setting the scene and the mood.
Aye its a nice looking place ,but any port in a pacific sunset, eh?....About the white van. I've a mate whose a builder over this side of the river. I did a cartoon/caricature for his yellow pages ad. And he asked me to do it on the side of his van. it looked really good and was an eye catcher around town. But he got himself into a little money trouble with some of the not so nice chappies in town. So it ended up him having to paint over my masterpiece as he stuck out around town like a sore thumb on an arm which had a fair chance of being broken. So he had his white van back blending in with all the others. But he's still alive.
I'm sure you'll soon be in there constructing.
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