Wednesday, 25 August 2010


After a rather cool summer by Californian standards temperatures spiked up to 107 yesterday. The locals surprisingly seemed rather panicked, but as an imperturbable Englishman I continued with my daily routine, unfazed by the lightweight Californians dropping around me like flies....mad dogs and Englishmen hey?

7 comments: said...

Very good.

Albert said...

Today's weather on sunny Wirral,well we had a bit of sun,very cloudy and flippin cold 18c,wind from west,tonight cloudy,flippin cold,wind from east,farmer Giles at Barnston had four tanker loads of United Utilities elixir delivered to him direct on to his fields and as it's an easterly wind we are getting the perfume smell,white van parked by gatehouse,your experts doing that place now?,thought the Californian peoples lived in refrigerated comfort or is that just tv/film directors dreams and you have to go outside and work on very sunny days.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Well, its thrashing down here and cold.


Putz said...

yep they go out in the noonday sun>>>both the mad dogs and englishmen>>>not the women

Vinogirl said...

I rather enjoyed the 3 days of toastiness...made a nice change (was almost forgetting that I live in California.)

monkey said...

been back now for 24 hours or so and only seen the sun light for a couple of those hours, jet lag has taken its nasty grip.

James Higham said...

Was it hot over there?