Monday, 30 August 2010

Summers end.

Family OTW leave California today after having a fantastic trip courtesy of my two sisters and various visiting friends and family members. The summer was one of long lazy days spent relaxing in the sun accompanied by good food and great wine (courtesy of the vino clan). Now it is time to return to wind swept blighty and a huge backlog of work,a problem or two and a huge amount of rampant greenery!....stay tuned for more renovation adventures from Thud acres....see you next year California!


lorraine said...

Traveling mercies OTW family. As you depart the shores of our beloved California we stand waving and look for your return.

Albert said...

So will your 2nd Rolls Royce be picking you up from the airport and will you be using the Overfinch Range Rover for your luggage or will you be getting your White van with plastic seats in the back to collect you.

Suppose I better say welcome home after your dangerous trip to the colonies.

Electro-Kevin said...

Glad you had a good time.

Sorry about the negativity on my own blog. I know E-K Snr stalks my pages and sometimes I write things to draw him out.

We went different ways about a year ago. After 45 years I'd decided I'd had enough of his malarky. As you might be able to tell he's a very difficult character and always has been.

He's getting worse with age, not better.

Sadly it's one out ALL out. I'm now estranged from my mum and brother too as "A friend of my enemy IS my enemy."

Electro-Kevin said...

Bro' and Ma are told to make their choice "It's either me or him, you can't have both."

She had to give up her brothers and sisters for years too.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

How can I say 'sorry to hear you're leaving but welcome back...'?

Glad you have some projects to do when you get back here, all ours are dead in the water until Brown's legacy has worn off!