Friday, 6 August 2010

Sweet tooth,lard arse

After a few weeks in California I start to miss my favourite British meals such as roast dinner,beef sausages, meat pies (I'm a carnivore !) and take away from our family Anglo Chinese chippy. I do though enjoy eating out here from places such as CPK and some of the local Japanese restaurants that seem common here. Tomorrow we have visitors, so it is Cheesecake factory (urgh) for lunch and Pho noodles at a Viet place for tea. Produce for home cooking is usually from Wholefoods which if a little pricey does provide excellent quality meat,veg and fruit. The main problem for me seems to be however the massive usage of corn syrup in nearly everything else available. Now I'm sure some clever person can tell me why corn syrup seems to be used in preference to sugar but looking at the huge amount of...well...huge people here, it seems to be doing rather a lot of damage. I seem to spend more time reading labels than actually shopping in a sometimes vain attempt to buy something not packed with tooth rotting corn syrup.A saving grace amongst all the sweetness is found in the meat available for BBQ and broiling (grilling for us Brits)....New york strip, Kobe fillets and tri's a beef lovers paradise and at a price guaranteed to make a hard pressed British carnivore weep....more Beef!


Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Aaaah beef the way they serve it in the US...

Trouble is, I just cannot do the big steaks these days.

I read somewhere that there is a place where you can get a 56 oz steak and fries and a whole lot else...


Putz said...

scrobs, yes broker's in denver, two large platters of iced shrimp and then a 56 ounce steak right from where you want it in the cattle and not cow . all for about eighty dollars a plate>>>right off the stockyards in denver colorado

Vinogirl said...

Come to Napa and I'll whip you up a nice salad!

Thud said...

Try a salad on me and the only thing getting whipped will be you.

phlegmfatale said...

meat pies!!! Visiting my girlfriend in Rochester, Kent, I'd run go by a bakery and get a couple beef curry pasties, get on the train and go places, tucking into a pasty when I got peckish. Love that. Wish I could get them here.

NotClauswitz said...

Widespread use of corn-syrup (high fructose) is the outcome of a stupid and perverse, market-distorting agricultural subsidy to certain pandering States and farmers - mainly agribusiness - that should be stopped immediatley - but Congress won't.

BobG said...

DirtCrashr has it exactly right; corn sugar is cheaper because it is subsidized, so unfortunately it is used more.