Thursday, 16 September 2010

The Church

I have watched with growing anger these last few days, the non stop stream of television programmes that all seem to be intent on attacking the Pope and the Church. The seething malcontent collection of deviants,freaks and leftists have convinced me more than ever that my Catholicism is something to hold dear,after all if they are against it then it just has to be good...doesn't it?


James Higham said...

Quite amazing that we're running the same thing and feel the same way on it.

Thud said... just confirms my belief that there are quite a few quiet decent people out here in the real world beyond london and the media.

lorraine said...


pocket said...

"the human imagination is all we need to hold in awe. Live in optimism without fear of judgment and death. There is enough purpose and meaning in life, love and leaving a good legacy. Oppose the danger of religious zealotry with the liberating belief that life on earth is precious because this here and now is all there is, and our destiny is in our own hands."
Amen to that.

Thud said...

I can do all that and be Catholic, as for living here and now we are encouraged to do that as well in the knowledge of who provided this world for us.The leftattacks the Church safe in the knowledge that no retaliation will result even though all institutions have beeen infiltrated by offenders, why not boycott schools and social services they have the same problem. If the left don't like religious bigotry I suggest they take on the woman and gay hating (real in kill them)religion of peace....but that would be a little difficult for the poor little darlings.

Thud said...

I can do all that and be Catholic, as for living here and now we are encouraged to do that as well in the knowledge of who provided this world for us.The leftattacks the Church safe in the knowledge that no retaliation will result even though all institutions have beeen infiltrated by offenders, why not boycott schools and social services they have the same problem. If the left don't like religious bigotry I suggest they take on the woman and gay hating (real in kill them)religion of peace....but that would be a little difficult for the poor little darlings.

NotClauswitz said...

Interesting link at Instapundit, that the Media (and I daresay yours as well as ours) is really downright clueless about Religion in general - whether it be Christianity, Islam, or the exotic flavors like Hinduism or Buddhism. They are profoundly stupid and blindly ignorant of one of the most powerful, centuries old currents in Human experience throughout the entire world. As atheists, modernists, or progressives, "Journalists are more skeptical — and often less religious — than the average American... That skepticism helps reporters cover politics, business and local government. But that same skepticism hinders them from understanding, let alone covering, the religion beat. It would be odd for business reporters to think that balance sheets are silly, or to not believe in Wall Street...But in religion, you get that all the time."

And they (the Left) attack out of sheer ignorance (or because it is Religion that negates their worship of central bureaucracy) while hiding the religious nature of their own belief system: that Man can come to salvation and perfection by submission to Communism... That is their essential belief, and it is all about vanity and The Self.

Black Sheep said...

The problem with Catholicism isn't so much that it's all superstition like all other forms of religion, spirit worship, and so forth. The problem is with the corruption of it that became endemic over the centuries. The Catholic Church gained tremendous power, and power always, without exception, corrupts those who wield it.

The enforced celibacy only served as a recruitment incentive for homosexuals to join up as priests, especially in societies where homosexuals were oppressed. The Church became a haven for homosexuals from the Popes on down, as we have now seen not only from the protection and denials by the Pope of the abusers of little boys but from almost every other person in the priesthood as well.

It's not that they're all child molesters but rather that they feel the need to, and will protect their fellow homosexuals against what they've always seen as a hostile world, and the Church still has not come to grips with the reality of the enormity of the crime of child molesting.

Add to this the incredible hypocrisy of a mostly homosexual religious organization declaring homosexuality to be a "sin" and "against God", and the doors are flung wide open for an assault from all directions.

A big part of the Catholic Church's problems now is that much of the focus of their power became narrowed onto protecting the child abusers from them, and the continuing assault against that protection is wrecking the Church.

I'm glad that it's wrecking the Church. I'm glad that all those fat priest leeches who suck the blood of their lemming parishoners while destroying the lives of their children are facing their own desctruction. The teachings of Catholicism will no doubt live on for many centuries yet, but it's long past time that the festering evil canker that is the Catholic Church was lanced, healed and removed. It's been a blight on humanity far, far too long and cause such vast misery. The horrors didn't stop at the end of the Inquisition. The wars and killings still go on in the name of that faith. It needs to end.

If the world becomes willing to dump the Catholic Church, it will also be able to look more honestly upon Islam. Right now, the Catholic Church is a liability in the fight against Islam instead of the asset it could and should be. Get rid of one and then perhaps we can get rid of the other.

Black Sheep said...

Oops. Slight correction. "A big part of the Catholic Church's problems now is that much of the focus of their power became narrowed onto protecting the child abusers from them".

Delete the "from them" and you'll have it.

Thud said...

BS...I'm all for married priests as for the rest well we will have to disagree as it works for me including reinforcing my anti islamic beliefs.