The life of a class traitor and peripatetic scouser.
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Final furlong
As the work on the various houses here wraps up it is time to start the work on landscaping,walls paths and gates. That means in about 6 months I'll finally be finished here.....brilliant!
Love the interspersion of smaller stones between the large ones.
Round here, there are several walls where they've used misshaped yellow stock bricks, which have been fused together in threes for some reason, during manufacture. They're used in mainly garden walls etc, and also at random, not in courses, and look marvellous when built properly!
Your landscaping job sounds a marvellous way to spend a summer!
I read somewhere that the fused bricks are courtesy of The Luftwaffe and are commonly used in London and surrounding areas, they were available in huge quantities for rebuilding after the war; no doubt some were produced in kilns during firing but the huge quantities seen in walls would suggest the Blitz as a source. Nice stonework, I much prefer to see that coursed rubble work than the formal, precise, work of cut stone. I'm pondering what the large kerb-like stones are behind the seat ....
H, interesting stuff! I'm sadly a trainspotter for all things brick and stone.The plinths are for a low wall that will be topped with cast stub railings. I know a foundry that over several decades rescued bits of random metalwork from around Liverpool as the city imploded.They keep the rescued bits as patterns and I've seen something I like the look of.Cast is quite cheap when considering its lifespan.
I made some fishing weights once from lead grubbed out of the sockets in stonework.. the railings had gone to be lobbed up at the makers of the fused brickwork over London... among other things.
How are your plans going for the wattle and daub, shingle roofed log store ? Have you planted your hazel coppice and sweet chestnut saplings yet for the materials you will need?
H. by coincidence I do have plans foe wood store but no time till next winter, as for materials no idea just yet but I have decided a mix of what I can salvage here. All hazel goes for supporting peas etc!
Nice rocks!
Love the interspersion of smaller stones between the large ones.
Round here, there are several walls where they've used misshaped yellow stock bricks, which have been fused together in threes for some reason, during manufacture. They're used in mainly garden walls etc, and also at random, not in courses, and look marvellous when built properly!
Your landscaping job sounds a marvellous way to spend a summer!
If you can trust a link-click, Thud, here's my old boss's entrance with some of the bricks above!
There are several more similar walls along there!
The 'tortoise' in the middle was built to stop people turning in his drive! One moron completely trashed his brand new tarmac once!,0.70802,3a,75y,180h,79.07t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s2BcW3zqF_oilVpibm7xM-g!2e0?hl=en
I read somewhere that the fused bricks are courtesy of The Luftwaffe and are commonly used in London and surrounding areas, they were available in huge quantities for rebuilding after the war; no doubt some were produced in kilns during firing but the huge quantities seen in walls would suggest the Blitz as a source. Nice stonework, I much prefer to see that coursed rubble work than the formal, precise, work of cut stone. I'm pondering what the large kerb-like stones are behind the seat ....
Wall is looking good.
H, interesting stuff! I'm sadly a trainspotter for all things brick and stone.The plinths are for a low wall that will be topped with cast stub railings. I know a foundry that over several decades rescued bits of random metalwork from around Liverpool as the city imploded.They keep the rescued bits as patterns and I've seen something I like the look of.Cast is quite cheap when considering its lifespan.
I made some fishing weights once from lead grubbed out of the sockets in stonework.. the railings had gone to be lobbed up at the makers of the fused brickwork over London... among other things.
How are your plans going for the wattle and daub, shingle roofed log store ? Have you planted your hazel coppice and sweet chestnut saplings yet for the materials you will need?
H. by coincidence I do have plans foe wood store but no time till next winter, as for materials no idea just yet but I have decided a mix of what I can salvage here. All hazel goes for supporting peas etc!
I like that pretty blue-green you've painted the bench
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