Tuesday, 2 July 2019

All in all

I've a little spare time at the moment and as the devil makes work etc.....I started building another wall, a mans gotta have a hobby.


Scrobs. said...

There's a term for preparing granite and other stone, which takes off the rough outer edgs of the piece.

But I'm damned if I can remember it!

Is it 'fielding'?

Thud said...

Fielded, rusticated and lots of others.

Thud said...

I usually term it pitched but I guess different terms in different areas of the country?

Scrobs. said...

Thanks Thud!

Back in my concrete days, our precast blocks could be mechanically fielded with a strange machine, which accepted the blocks of varying sizes, put them in some sort of order, then have diamond-tipped mechanical chisels take off the edges.

Although this was Derbyshire precast stone, (Mr Haart will be very cross at this), we used to ship tons of these blocks everywhere...

E-K said...

Go Trump !