Wednesday 16 April 2008

Still waters

Liverpool,my home city is at the moment in the process of completely rebuilding itself...everywhere one looks new buildings are sprouting from the ground as the city reinvents itself for the 21st century. Some of the buildings are of interest to a fan of architecture such as myself whilst many just seem to be bog standard highrises of inferior design and material construction. I must admit that I already miss the semi derelict buildings and warehouses that until recently existed only a couple of hundred yards away from the busy city centre. From my Georgian house at the top of the city I could walk to the river through the city and pass people or a modern building only a few times.Now the old bridewells and townhouses are becoming restaurants and apartments just like any modern city.I suppose I should be happy that the city is finally shaking off its long dark history of neglect and poverty...but...I just feel something is missing...a connection with the past..or am I just selfish and want to remember the streets of my youth? One project that does meet with my approval is this scheme on the pierhead.Travelling by canal must be one of the greatest ways to connect with Britain's past and its countryside and now its finally coming right into the step forward..200 years back!

1 comment:

Rastaman said...

Now, THAT is nice!

Rasta, aka Black Sheep