Wednesday 10 December 2008


It seems this gentleman does not share my love of the Christmas season, so perhaps I should invite him round for a little Christmas cheer hey?...well perhaps not,as it could get rather messy with him ranting and me inserting a flaming yule log into a place allah never intended..oh well.


Lord Roby said...

And I thought that Jesus was a prophet within Islam.Maybe somebody will see fit to put a fatwa on this prick; for crimes against Islam! or maybe the religion plod will charge him with the same crime as ordinary Joe gets charged with at the local kebab house on a Saturday night!

monkey said...

i didnt even read the article, i just saw muslm and knew. Another reason why i dislike these dog fornicaters.

Vinogirl said...

I want to send him a Christmas card!!!

NotClauswitz said...

During Christmastime you can eat and drink and be jolly - the miserable suffering bastards at Ramadan have to go without food and scourge themselves - what kind of twisted psychotic "fun" is that? Sheesh, they are an ass-backwards (literally) bunch.

Anonymous said...

Every time I hear about "Muslim outrage," these little voices in my head start to drown out my natural inclination towards sympathy and begin to muse on the prospects of "drilling through glass" or some such thing.

James Higham said...

Interesting how these people are capable of calling white black, black white and actually believing it.