My sister
Vinogirl is at present working her way here in California through a degree in viticulture (posh gardening...ha!) and in the way of American education is having to do what to me seem some rather strange modules (tennis,yak milking,buggy whip making etc). She is at present working through an English module(easy given her provenance one would imagine) that seems when shown to me, to consist of Anti racist (liberal style...in other words anti white) anti American,anti free market scratchings and rants of the most amateur and childish kind. Just what is it with liberal academics? are they never happy or satisfied with life?....must they inflict their demented self loathing upon everybody at any and all opportunity? Why not just throw a bit of Shakespeare and Longfellow at my dear sister and leave the poor girl to study in peace....she is starting to sound like me after reading this leftist propaganda....and that's not a good thing!
I can't disagree with you, as it bears little resemblance to any Englisg class I have ever taken before...it is just lefty propaganda! Can't believe NVC would let this drivle pass as English!
Not being able to spell 'English' means I really must need this class after all!!!
What does not being able to spell drivel mean?..A touch of Garden Gnomea perhaps!!...It's all those weeds you are hanging out with dear.
Forsooth. Me thinks m'Lord that I should drop this class!
Sadly evidencing the decline of Universities and Education everywhere, it's what has become of modern "English" when you intermix the Marxist twaddle of Derrida's deconstructive relativism among the conceited academic-class.
Professards do it in order to make themselves feel relevant among the 'yout culture, simply an Academics' age-old attempt to get laid going back way-beyond the farcical tragi-comedy of "Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf." It's their droning last stab at finding or imbuing a "meaning" that has left them forever while the drum-beat demagoguery and propaganda of the Ivory Tower Band play on.
DirtCrashr, you can say that again.
Teachers who try to get down wit the kids are a bit like army officers who play with their privates.
And on a lighter note, and Thud, you'll just LOVE this:
"Mr Brown announced Senator Ted Kennedy would get an honorary UK knighthood." BBC.
Just when you think our UK politicians can't get stupider,they go ahead and do so.
Well, Sir Stirling Moss was knighted for his services to motor racing and Lionel Crabb got the Order of the British Empire for his wartime underwater work.
Perhaps this honour will recognize Senator Kennedy's contributions in both areas...
Northwester...top marks for giving us all a well needed laugh.
It's all water under the bridge if you ask me.But then I'm not Mary Jo!
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