Family OTW spent yesterday driving around Tahoe leaping in and out of the car every time an inviting expanse of snow was spotted....lots of lovely deep snow for Princess OTW to play in (us too) On the way back I had the misfortune to be stopped by the highway patrol and ticketed for speeding.Now usually this would not bother me as if I speed or park illegally then I take it on the chin and pay up.In this case however at the time of being stopped we had been discussing speed whilst driving and all the adults in the car knew exactly what speed we had been travelling at....a speed that bore no resemblance to that stated by the officer. Now I could just ignore this as the officer didn't understand my documents and just wrote gobbledygook on the ticket but I don't take to theft kindly so I will pursue this matter as far as possible...I do love a good fight.
Yay! You got to play in the snow!
Of course, I'm sick to death of it...
Fight the ticket...the cops never show in court. You'll get off without paying.
Gotta love America...
Nice snow, not so nice Lawman.
Dont you be getting a record thud, there can be no problems next summer!!
love it ...don't go too far with your pursuit of justice .. the supreme court ... guess thats like the house of lords will be far enough ... ! (windsurfingfish)
Anon...well maybe not the supreme court...how about a stiffly worded letter!...that will teach them.
my son had another 4 feet, yes i said four feet of snow march 9th in hyrum utar
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