The sun made a feeble but welcome effort to show its unfamiliar face today in what will probably be its final showing for this year. In its honour a unanimous decision was taken by the chaps to work outside so it was down tools and outside we went. The coach house shown has been suffering the ravages caused by a monstrous clematis whilst being defaced by a seventies excrescence that I have been eyeing with distaste every day since we arrived. So loppers and chisels in hand we set to rescuing the long suffering building and after a day of quite difficult work (lots of very heavy glass panes) the coach house is well on its way to a happier future.
sun sun go away and save the woodd for future days
there were some very ropey moments in taking down that glass i can tell yas.
The coach house shown has been suffering the ravages caused by a monstrous clematis whilst being defaced by a seventies excrescence that I have been eyeing with distaste every day since we arrived.
I don't think I've ever seen a sentence like that in English before.
James...guilty as charged, but it does make a change from my usual calm down calm down scouseness.
Oooeer Tud, wos wrong wid Scouseness den?
Yur werds read a bit of common to me la!
Some people are just too pedantic to understand Scouseology, when in reality, we are such a cultured breed.
Perhaps, the reading of Peter Maloney's, 'Learn Yourself Scouse' tome, may enlighten, those not able to understand, 'Scouse' terminology!
Tara lad,
Old Ma Trubes.xx
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