Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Get a move on.

Demolition continues and Mrs OTW casts a wry look in my direction as I protest "it will be livable by Christmas"....I didn't say which Christmas did I?


monkey said...

just a lick of paint.

Lord Roby said...

Just like 'Quiff Castle' was!!

Trubes said...

Such optimism Thud!


haddock said...

have you found a nice old black-leaded range to go back in there ?

and what does Mrs OTW think of cooking on one ?

James Higham said...

Mrs? She looks invisible in the pic.

gregor said...

I have a picture of our dining room, taken about a week after we bought our grim old pile, that looks exactly like that. I piss and moan about working on this place all the time, but I don't know what I'd do with myself if I didn't.