Monday, 21 September 2009

A nice cuppa.

I find this article rather reassuring in a low key way, especially Britain's continuing love affair with the humble yet tasty meal of fish and chips. I have in the last 25 years spent considerable time in America and on several occasions I have sampled attempts at 'British fish and chips', always to end up sadly disappointed....unlike myself some things just don't travel.We may not have non stop sunny weather nor Tuscan cuisine but a good chippy is a wonder to behold and holds its own against any other national cuisine. The love of tea is something I am daily reminded of as vast quantities of it fuel my chaps as they tackle any job put before them fortified by industrial strength I need to go and have a good chip butty.


I Albion said...

God that's made me hungry,good English grub can't beat it.

Candle said...

God I'm getting hungry. I've been lucky enough to have had fish and/or chips in London, and I always found it to be quite tasty. I've had fish and chips in the States too, and if the restaraunt is a chain, it seems like the food came from a box. Anything like a 'pub' with lots of micro-brews though, well, they usually do a good job.
I've never understood the English and Tea though - maybe if I lived there and experienced it the way you do that'd be different. I drink coffee.

BobG said...

When I was a kid a little shop opened up down the street from me that sold the best fish and chips I have ever eaten. The owner and sole worker there was a little old guy with a Cockney accent that was barely intelligible to someone here in the US. It was the first time I saw anyone using malt vinegar and wrapping up the meal in newspapers.

Drew said...

I do love traditional English nosh!

Tim Leatherbarrow said...

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh lashing of salt n' vinegar.....Aaaaaaaaarrrrggghhhh n 'chip butties ,as i say, Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrggghhhh!!!!!!!!!
Slobbering n' drooling over me keyboard Tim

monkey said...

im a proper fish and chip man me, and theres note better to wash it down like builders tea.

Putz said...

fish and chips in america...blaaaaaaaaa

Vinogirl said...

Ooh, a good chip butty with Warburton's thick sliced bread, yum!

Marcella Lally said...

a good chippy, no foolin! Love your blog!