Thursday, 17 December 2009

Back home

Life with two jet lagged babies the last couple of days has been shall we say interesting...especially at 4 in the morning after hearing Santa Claus is coming to town sung for the twentieth time...Ah! Christmas in Liverpool.


IAlbion said...

Welcome Home!

James Higham said...

You're not a whole lot away from me just now. Welcome to the winter cool.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Good to have you back Thudders!

Glad all is safe and you now can see the snow clouds popping up in the middle distance...

monkey said...

ha ha ha oh dear the closer it gets the less sleep you and mrs otw will get.

Tim Leatherbarrow said...

Hope its warm enough for ya, i've just seen my shrivelled up cobblers rolling down the frost covered drive...Just thought i'd let you know that.

Vinogirl said...

Nice pic of Lord Street...if princess #1 is singing too much, put her out there busking!