Friday, 18 December 2009

Back to reality

After a few months getting fat in America I returned to work this week in a very frosty English countryside( stunning in it's starkness). The new house has stone walls a couple of feet thick and they retain cold when not heated ,to the degree that it was minus 2 indoors today....very unCalifornian. Luckily a couple of rooms such as the above are slowly coming together as we may have to move and camp in the house pretty soon...much to Mrs OTW's dismay. The time away has however given me a chance to think about the restoration, and distance has given me some new ideas as to the origin of parts of the house and the course to take in tackling some of the emerging all those mornings sitting in the sun eating muffins and drinking coffee were not wasted....were they?


Vinogirl said...

Coving looks nice.

haddock said...

was the chisel left by a passing farmer ? ....or perhaps a painter ? surely such an abused tool can't possibly belong to a tradesman....

Thud said...

Haddock....the chaps leave tools scattered at random in misguided attempts at proving to me their unflagging devotion to work....then they retreat muttering to the only room with heat and a kettle.

Trubes said...

Welcome home Thud.
Merry Christmas and a very happy New Year to you Lady Thud and the two gorgeous Princesses.
