Friday, 11 December 2009

Caestre Christmas

As my last weekend in California until next summer begins, my mind is now whizzing away making sure that plans for Christmas in England for the Two tiny members of Family OTW are set and in operation. I am hoping though that I get enough time to shop in my favourite local city of Chester to take in some Christmas spirit(of all sorts). California at Christmas is a great place with festive sights and treats at every turn but to my eyes it is ever so slightly alien and a vague nagging discomfit has set in....Christmas without England's landscape,streets and the Queens speech...surely not.


Anonymous said...

When was that piccy taken,never seen the place that empty.

Lord Roby said...

Don't forget the Chateau Musar!!

Thud said...

Pic taken about 7.30 on a sunday morning.

Vinogirl said...

Great pic...but I too have never been to Chester when it's that empty.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the photos I took yesterday,question the piece of flat land looking like a bit of a road RHS of your tennis court,yes folks whatever Thud says it's a tennis court :-), any idea's why the land is like that, did your pad have wartime duties,I wonder if Chester records office will have any info.