Monday, 21 December 2009

New age nonsense

As the winter solstice dawns I have been watching and reading various reports on the rise of paganism and diminution of Christianity. The rise in paganism seems to be advancing in concert with the other rising warming doomsayers and seems rather prevalent amongst the usual crazed Guardian readers. I am all for recognising the cultural importance of remembering (if even rather Disneyfied) our ancestors customs but it is just another manifestation of today's habit of religion hopping....a bit of Buddha one year, a bit of Taoism next. The anti Christian crowd point to the co-opting of ancient traditions by the early Church....clever buggers say I. Tomorrow I find no conflict in recognising my ancestors relief at the rising of the winter sun as it presaged the beginning of the life giving spring to come, whilst preparing to celebrate the birth of dressing up as a supposed druid and hanging out with assorted soap dodgers.


PaganPride said...

While I find much more uplifting a system not fixated with death, and as a woman, does not blame me for all of human ills; and a system firmly centred on living.

But then, each to his own, and I would not be so rude as to denigrate others beliefs - I usually leave that to ... er others!

Thud said...

Thanks...leave the denigrating to me,you can get back to feeling natures pain etc.

Vinogirl said...

In a true Marian tradition I like to think I believe in the veneration of women...strange that the Pagan feels victimised...perhaps she needs some Jethro Tull to calm herself down.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

With you here Thud!

As I work for myself, I'm already feeling the effect of the downhill ride to some hope of prosperity now we've got the worst over!

As for Christmas, I think I'm finding out a bit more if you drop by...

Just keep Dan Brown out of it, it's safer!

idle said...

That extraodinary bearded fellow who gazettes himself as Uther Pendragon, (current) leader of the druids once came to visit Castle Idle in Devon, at the invitation of elder bro. Elder bro and mother idle were both 'knighted' by Uther P on the lawn at midnight. There was a telly camera there and it ended up on Channel 4.

Elder bro is now a Sufi or somesuch. Mother remains a non-practising agnostic pagan, if such a thing there be.

JPT said...

Paganism? Buddhism? Fads (Buddhism is a fad for 'Westerners' I mean).
Christianity is the one!