Thursday, 24 December 2009

Santa snacks.

I am just test driving Santa's snacks that are due to be left out for that hard working chap (one nights work a year?) by Princess OTW. Do you think it should be Cognac or Calvados with his mince pies? I need to do more research quickly.


gregor said...

Happy Christmas, my friend! May Father Christmas make himself known in abundance!

Anonymous said...

To be on the safe side I suggest you at least taste both drinks by trying both in large wine glasses maybe you have some other drinks you might try just as a backup but just to remind you don't do any drinking and driving after tasting ,I think Princess OTW would prefer a sober father Christmas delivering her snd her sisters presents,so maybe you could leave out some orange juice instead :-)

Vinogirl said...

Both! Don't be a Scrooge!

Black Sheep said...

Hi, how's the peripatetic scousing going these days? I have to look that up sometime and see what it means.

Merry Christmas!

Tim Leatherbarrow said...

Dont worry, just take it easy on the mince pies(hic)....

Do Bianchi said...

are those real mince pies? they look delicious...

happy holidays to you and family OTW! :-)

buone feste, as we say down here in ItaloTexas...

James Higham said...

Calvados but then not the brandy sauce.