One of my little girls is old enough to know Father Christmas arrives down the chimney, so she has taken to camping as close to the fire as possible in an effort to meet him. Dreams of treats to come soon overcome her and murmuring his name she slips into a pleasant dream world full no doubt of a 2 year olds most treasured desires......sleep tight,he is coming soon little one.
This is a lovely warm post Thudders, and takes me back immediately to our Daughts doing similar things!
Actually, I have to confess to doing exactly the same myself...
Still do actually...
I hope she gets her little hearts desire. Bless her.
Turn the flames down or you'l singe his sack!
Health n' safety Tim
All the best
What a lovely post! I wish you and your loved ones a Merry Christmas filled with peace, love, and fulfillment of all your wishes!
I think you should count yourself lucky for this year,I think next year father Christmas will have a hell of a job getting a cow or a pony down the chimney's at your new place,merry xmas to you and the family,I hope the girls clocks have reset and your not woken up too early on the 25th.
anon...I just came in from a late drive in the snow...it was like having the wirral to myself....Merry Christmas to you and your missus!
Merry Christmas Thud, wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday, and eat a sausage roll for me will you ?
See you again soon !
Brit in Tenn...Thud doesn't like sausage rolls, he's a real Grinch! If I was home I'd eat 10 for you :)
Ahhh what a lovely picture, may all the princess's dreams come true,
Have a wonderful time.
Happy Christmas to you all.
Merry Christmas (late) and Happy New Year (soon)!
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