Tuesday, 5 January 2010

Chilly throne

Pictured is the only working (I'm being generous here) toilet at new house/workplace. As can be seen our forefathers were obviously hardy folk as today I noticed none of the chaps sneaking off for a long sit with a copy of the Daily Mirror. Considering the rest of northern Britain came to a halt today we all managed to get in work even if the usual half hour journey did take two hours. Once in, the mixing of mortar and plaster required rather more work than usual seeings as everything had either frozen solid or was missing under a blanket of snow.I'm not sure how much work we got through but I do know we had a thoroughly good time doing it.


Chad said...

I have been loving the pictures you've been posting lately. Even an outhouse can look good in the snow...

Anonymous said...

I took a piccy of that building and meant to ask you if it was a bog house,did you get back to your old house ok everywhere was /is gridlocked due to the snow,walked to Heswall and the roads were nasty,cars couldn't get up the hills,so myself and a few others pushed the things up hill,wikiwirral has a few pictures of how things were today.

Thud said...

Anon...we made it in today and as far as I'm concerned the more now the better.

Vinogirl said...

I think I'd hold it until I could get to the local pub!
Snow looks great.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Thank heavans for plasticisers Thudders!

cheshire wife said...

Work should be enjoyable even if it is cold. Conveniences are a luxury!

A Happy New Year to you!