Saturday, 23 January 2010

Fruitful days

The above sad looking specimen is a Medlar I planted along with Quince,Apple,Damson and other fruit trees earlier this week. Like many people nowadays I have tried to give room for some less common types of fruit trees in an attempt to do my humble bit in breaking the stranglehold that supermarkets have on Britain's taste in fruit....i.e. golden delicious and other bland tasteless fare. The Medlar is a fruit feted in literature throughout its long existence in England although nowadays it is somewhat of a rarity. So in a couple of years time I hope to enjoy the delights of bletted Medlar...I think.


James Higham said...

Too much time building and not enough for horticulture, m'lad.

Anonymous said...

Thought Medlar was for game etc,just like game you leave the fruit to "ripen",never tasted it tho.

haddock said...

no plastic or wire mesh guard ?

are there no rabbits up your way ?

The Old Tarf said...

Quince Pies- haven't had that for awhile. The last house we had . We had a hedgerow of Quince bushes at the back of the property so had enough for jam and pies. Good luck on the Medlar.

lilith said...

I love the way the fruit looks, but I have never tried it.

Vinogirl said...

Showed my vines your pic...they shook all the way down to their little roots. I think they want to stay in the California sun!

Brian said...

Until your trees fruit there's always Tiptree