Wednesday, 13 January 2010

I'ts off to work we go

As global warming continued its icy grip on our workplace,the subzero temps forced the workies and I inside to work on some plaster coving repair. To try and take the edge off the low temps a fire was lit in an unfinished fireplace and after a while creaky fingers and joints became slightly more flexible. Once working up at ceiling level it soon became apparent that escaping smoke made even a couple of minutes work rather difficult as stinging eyes reduced vision to a minimum. A quick choice between plasterwork or freezing was made and the workies and I settled at floor level cutting templates for future mouldings, sometimes you have to keep the chaps happy...and warm!


Anonymous said...

What's up with you,having a fire to keep your guys warm don't you think your pampering your staff :-),went past as usual, the main road surface is badly damaged with the ice and frost,what a difference a week makes,the only road which is a bit difficult is the side road by the fishing lake just past Raby,I didn't hear any explosions over the weekend so I presume you didn't try to put your trees in the ground.

Vinogirl said...

Have you gone soft or something!

monkey said...

cracking fire looks toasty but very smokey. i see your workies are proud to be british as they wear their flag with honour.
Brew time and bacon butties...

James Higham said...

Seems one project after another there.

Vinogirl said...

Hang on a minute there Monkey...even I hadn't checked out R's bum!

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

I rate coving as one of the most frustrating jobs ever.

And I have the bruises to show for it...