Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Another one bites the dust.

As the British govt and media agonize about whether a terrorist with British connections (see below) denied sleep, is a victim of torture, Mossad quietly go about their work and another oxygen thief is dispatched to his just rewards......I do love Israel and its robust outlook on the human rights of murderers.


James Higham said...

They don't muck around, those lads.

Electro-Kevin said...

If you want to learn martial arts for the purpose of REAL self-defence look no further than Krav Maga (Israeli forces fighting system)

It's all I ever train in now. The other systems are fairly pointless for ordinary people who want to be able to look after themselves.

Apparently the British SAS have been doing themselves proud in the 'War on Terror'. One trooper is quoted as saying of Al Qaeda they thought they were tough and stood toe-to-toe with us - we found them wanting and they got a right shoeing.

Malthebof said...

You must be psychic, the same thoughts occured to me re your previous posting. Would that we had Mossad running our Foreign Office & MI6.

The Machiavellian said...

Funny how the left are the ones getting their panties in a twist over the dispatching of a terrorist to hell.

Kind of sad, really.

Lord Roby said...

Don't you just love it when a plan comes together? Funny but they ALL seemed to look like Peter Sellers!! Was it all the same person in a crafty disguise? And is Dubai the only state with more CCTV cameras than UKistan?

NotClauswitz said...

They do good work, cheers!