Thursday, 4 February 2010

The archers

The first of the Tudor arches was formed today by joiner chap with minimum effort and to maximum effect. Once the arch is plastered in and I have cast off and inserted plaster spandrels (job to do number 3265 I think!) The upper hall and landing will be finished which is somewhat of a relief, as family OTW have to move into the house in 3 weeks and I really need to provide a bathroom and temporary kitchen or my growing tribe of daughters/mini terrorists will make their disapproval rather vocal.


Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Very neat job this Thudders!

Vocal daughters are probably the best incentive to get things moving pretty quickly...

Lord Roby said...

Did you know a spandrel is also the name for that annoying space under the stairs,sometimes referred to as 'the chokey' by our star spangled cousins.It is also a good place to deposit vocal offspring of the female variety.And spouses for that matter!!

Vinogirl said...

That looks great, wish I could see all your hardwork inperson.

Anonymous said...

Went past coming home from the port,I see you are now working Sunday overtime,nice job,even that coving looks superb,I see how accidents happen leaving a lecky drill on the edge of the scaffolding,good job your guys and gals wear hardhats innit.

James Higham said...

Glad you've got the right tools for that.

Thud said...

Anon...we have rather thick heads.