Monday 13 December 2010

Boy toys 2

I just received my 1948 model G.P.O. issue slasher courtesy of Ebay and I'm a happy chappy!


Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Looks like a load of billhooks to me...

James Higham said...

Are you near Elm Street?

Albert said...

So you going to join a civil war renactment show or is that to clear your jungle.

monkey said...

time to get back in the jungle i think

Brian said...

That's the pattern I used for clearing undergrowth. Very handy. I've seen slashers with longer, almost sickle-like blades but never used them. Probably for thinner,more briary undergrowth.
Have you one of these to go with your billhook and slasher?
Here's a handtool site that got me drooling and rewriting the next few years' Christmas and birthday lists: Timeless Tools

Thud said...

Brian...Don't have a mitt but thanks to your link I soon will do! The tools site is one of my favs and I'm considering a yorkshire bill from there at the moment.