Tuesday 7 June 2011

Sod off and leave me alone.

Some mornings I really shouldn't bother reading the news as it tends to leave me fuming for a good part of the following day. Articles like this tend to leave me reeling at the sheer nastiness and hypocrisy practised by the supposedly caring liberal media and elite. The holier than thou attitude, bullying and increasingly shrill hysterical hectoring seem designed to leave the average person with a permanent sense of guilt. The small things in life such as a safe car trip to the shops, a warm house, a hot shower and a hard earned holiday are all labeled as planet destroying and as such are firmly in the not to be allowed category (except for the exempt liberal global elite that is) Well folks I'm afraid I have more faith in human ingenuity to fix any problem that may arise and a distinct lack of trust in anything the eco nazis promulgate as truth....now sod off and leave me, my money and my family alone, Oh and if you wish to tattoo AGW denier on my arm....feel free to try as I'd enjoy the chance have a frank exchange of opinions shall we say.


Lord Roby said...

As I have always believed.We make as much difference to our environment as ants make to us.Now and then you might hear of someone getting bitten by one,but that's about it.And, as a big headed scientist; I KNOW I am right!!!

Thud said...

LR...you may be a big headed scientist but at least you get the ale in.

Philipa said...

Well said.

Electro-Kevin said...

Does make me laugh the liberals who by brand new Prius's and build new 'eco' homes and are too stupid to see that the environmental cost of new build and new car outstrips any savings in heating or petrol.

Black Sheep said...

First, thanks for the visit. (It's nice to be remembered.) People in Ireland are upset because Bono wants to keep more of the money they earned? Really? I wonder how much that fancy inflated sign with all the lights on it cost? Speaking of money that could have gone to charity.

No one has to give anything of what they earn except to the tax man, who usually takes far more than is right or fair and then spends it on foreign aid and other ways of killing people.

Best not to even read articles like that. Just because something is in print doesn't mean that it was worth writing.

James Higham said...

There is one lot running around trying to impose and another saying F-off. I know which one I'd rather be with.

Lord Roby said...

Death before taxes !!