Wednesday 28 September 2011


The weather folk reckon we are in for a week or so of uninterrupted sun, I'll settle for the rest of this week as we are whipping through the last of this years external work at a rate of knots....more sun, more work!


Tim Leatherbarrow said...

Thats it Cap'n Bligh make the buggers sweat!

monkey said...

water me Toms!!

Albert said...

Congratulates Monkey, mrs Albert and I went to the place where the picture was taken today and mrs Albert picked up some acorns she wanted, don't ask please, princess no2 was helping us, did you find how many acorns and conkers no2 had put in your pockets Thud, the barge boards that are up look superb and the barge boards and the the rocket things look great and have been painted and ready to be put up, oh and if you like scrumping apples now is the time to sneak in especially when Thud is up that scaffolding.

Vinogirl said...

That's it, crack the whip!