On the right we have 15 year old calvados and on the left we have 15 minute old apple brandy. The resulting taste test left all rather surprised at the more than decent quality of the brandy, made to an age old recipe (well a week or so old) by dedicated craftsmen (dedicated meaning mildly drunk) My
Poteen making ancestors would be proud.
Ha! Le Trou Cheshire...........
As much as I hate the French (+: they do knock out a good drink
In northern France they have mobile distileries, turn up in a village and turn your wine/cider into good stuff sans tax
I've lost two friends to the damages of cannabis... i guess you better stick with your mobile distillery, how convenient for you. Drug delivery to your front door.
Id love to know how you lost two friends to cannabis...did they just wander off or what?
anon...I've no idea what you are on about...been at the weed yourself it seems as you have me mixed up with someone else...own goal!
Beast...my sister Vinogirls napa wine is as good as most French wine and my efforts are in the early stages...onwards and upwards and then fall over.
Please remember Thud before you can use the "spirits" in French Polish you should really put it thru the still again and give it more than 5mins in the aging process
Sadly, that bottle will soon be empty.
I tried just freezing a plastic bottle of home made wine - it does get the alcohol out well, but not sure if it's really worth it.
Tried the saucepan lid technique tears ago, and that was pretty good though...
That 15 min Calvathud looks great!
bloody good stuff thud, im looking forward to experimenting further.
Calvathud...I like it :)
An Austrain friend in the dorms at Vienna made some stuff like that they called Applekorn - like to light it on fire, you could!
I think the French farmers do it so they can run their Deux Cheveaux on the stuff and avoid the petrol taxman.
15 minute old brandy ,i find the quarter past is a very good minute for the brandy.....Did it last 'till half past the hour?
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