Now the weather has brightened up a little it is time to get stuck into the external woodwork that needs doing around the various properties here.The finial shown is for the main house and when I get the last of the scaffolding up should set the back of the house off to its advantage. I think that other than working in stone large scale detailed woodwork has to be the most rewarding of jobs...bang for your buck and all that!
Clever man.
I can be there by lunchtime today, Thud, if you need a hand...
That's a beautiful piece of work!
does Viz still have 'Nobby's Piles'?
your house would make a grand setting for the 'Nobby as a Roofer' episode
H, don't mention farmer giles...(un)touchy subject. wanted!
Going jousting?
Squire Thud,
That's an incredibly skilful piece of work, but then I could copy and paste this comment to all your craftmanship posts (just noticed that inadvertant pun, ouch). I hope you're going to sign it and deposit a record of your restoration work with the county archives to be consulted by the next craftsman restorer a century hence.
I wouldn't be surprised if you're on English Heritage and SPAB's lists of expert restorers. You deserve all that chocolate. (Save a few squares for the Boy Apprentice and the Little Princesses).
Brian, many thanks.
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