Monday, 28 May 2012

Half baked

The front and back  (never a good looking bit of the house but now slightly better) of the main house are now finally lime rendered and so the next stage of work the repairing, rendering and repotting? of the chimney stacks can begin. After that the boring, messy but much needed lime washing can get underway if  hopefully we get a bit of a decent and work friendly summer. Add the aforementioned to the gate lodge being near completion and this project is 50% complete and so my merry bunch of slightly retarded scousers (myself being the daftest) only have two years to go....great stuff!


Electro-Kevin said...

This place seems to get bigger every time I look at it.

BTW. A massive influx of people to the UK probably won't do your business any harm at all.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

I hear the Greeks do a damn good lime-wash job...

About Last Weekend said...

The front looks fantastic! Wow, you do long term projects - props! Our Brady Bunch to stucco box house took a year (probably looks like it too)

NotClauswitz said...

Two years? That's a bit of time there.