Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Sweet as honey

Walking down the drive to the gate lodge yesterday I became aware of an approaching noise that I couldn't quite recognise.The appearance of a rapidly approaching cloud of bees soon made my pondering the source of the noise moot...bees bloody thousands of them (or is that zulus?)...do you run or stand still...or is that bears?....sod it, run! a tactical retreat only you understand. My neighbouring farmer is also a part time apiarist and so a call soon had him trying to entice the now oak tree ensconced bees into a honey filled hive for transport to a more thud free zone but as yet they seem to wish to buzz around me....I don't even like honey!


NotClauswitz said...

You can make Mead, but I imagine it's a very sticky effort.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Your trees and veg could benefit Thud!

Know what you mean about the noise though, frightening isn't it!

Vinogirl said...

Honey bees are great.

Electro-Kevin said...

You seem to live in a magic kingdom.

haddock said...

boxes tied on with string ? what you need is a honeybadger...that would sort it


Thud said...

Kev...everywhere has faults but for me at this point in my life I'm happy where I am, the total lack of neighbours other than a dairy farm being imortant plus room for the kids to go mental. Haddock...I trust my neighbour but hr needs to get a move on.