Monday, 11 June 2012

Liverpool sights and sounds

As a teenager the cries of the local newspaper vendors  " get yer pink yeeeeeecho!" on a late Saturday afternoon marked the time when the shoppers of a busy day went home and the city started to become the territory of those looking for some fun and excitement. The pink Echo was a football heavy edition of our local newspaper and was eagerly awaited so the trials and tribulations of our local teams could be loudly debated over a pint in the Grapes (much as The Beatles had done). The Grapes in Mathew street served as a base for a new generation of musicians although characters such as Bob Wooler operated as a link to the past as tales of John Lennons escapades where his passport to acceptance amongst  the latter day wannabe rockers. The rise in mass communication has sadly done away with the pink Echo and the Grapes is now a tourist trap, but for a while as a bust of Carl Jung on the wall outside proclaimed it seemed that "Liverpool was (is) the pool of Life"


About Last Weekend said...

Get Yer Pink YEcho will stay with me all day now. Love newspapers, they are pretty much non-existent here in the States hope that doesn't happen in England. For a year I worked for the Gloucestershire Echo and with my Kiwi accent, everyone thought I was saying "Icho!"

Thud said...

ALW...from my limited knowledge of kiwi, icho sounds about right.

cheshire wife said...

In he 1960s when the Mersey sound took over the world Liverpool must have seemed like the centre of the world.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

How's The Beatles hotel doing Thud?

Chums did that - hope it succeeds!

Tim Leatherbarrow said...

Funnily enough we were talking about the "ECHOOOO!" shouts around town and the @Pink ECCer the other day. I remember talking on many occassions and buying drinks for Bob Wooler in the Grapes ,i steer clear now ,the home of the Beatles is the home of a bloody Karioke machine now...Ah the puddle of life, eh?

Vinogirl said...

Good times :)