Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Colonial cousins

As I've mentioned before, family OTW may not agree with George the German surrendering to the rebel colonists but in the spirit of friendship I'm prepared to acknowledge today and all it represents,I bet that's a relief to the 350 million yanks celebrating today! so enjoy your day but remember where you came from and just where all your rights accrued from.


Brian said...


Thud said...

Very good brian!

Vinogirl said...

Funny Brian.
Wish family OTW was here to party with me :)

NotClauswitz said...

Historian Michael Woods did a show the other night on The Story of England, which pointed out how the Domesday Book was just a big freakin' inventory. A tax-roll for the new Norman Administration to how much to account and tax each person/dwelling/tree/river/shrub. Bastards!

Elizabeth said...

This is pretty funny, as my oldest daughter now lives in London! She said it was the weirdest 4th of July for her, knowing the date all day, and being in the country that we sought independence from!