Saturday, 6 December 2014


I've put 32 tons of gravel down in the last couple of days.In my wisdom I decided to do it solo and by hand with a wacker plate instead of a roller....Oi tink its da oirish in me!


Scrobs. said...


Your rake must be worn out by now...

And you're thinking of retiring..?

Trubes said...

I must say 'well done' ! Almost every Scouser has a bit of the Oirish in them.
But can you make a good pan of Scouse or Oirish Stew (same as Scouse but made with lamb) !

Hope your Mum is settling in her new house,
Best wishes,


Vinogirl said...

Looks great! Looks a bit bare without the estate fencing.

asdsa said...

Hope you know we have to dig it up to put cat6 cable in!