Thursday, 7 April 2016


June 1981, I couldn't sing, couldn't play guitar (much) and I couldn't write a decent tune but somebody was daft enough to let me make a record. To my great surprise some people liked us and the first time I heard myself on the radio I immediately thought "this is way better than working".....and so a layabout was born!


Vinogirl said...

That was a good conversation the other day about the making of this single :)

Scrobs. said...

Great stuff, Thud!

Good bit of tremelo too!

Thud said...

As Mr Bigsby kindly provided my gtr with one it would have been foolish not to use it!

Electro-Kevin said...

Can't sing, can't play... should go far then... and he did !

(I liked your song btw)