Friday 9 December 2016

Over the water wishes

Its getting pretty festive around the OTW homestead and as a lover of this time of year I'm enjoying every minute.I do have a little nagging feeling though that given a choice I'd rather spend my Christmas over in San Francisco and Utah. This blog has always been about my split life between here and the USA but life has exiled me more and more in the UK, something I'm not too happy about. I do have plans to make some changes to my situation though and the holiday season is a good time to plot and plan....booze helps there too! Anyway, plans are for the future and for now I just want to enjoy everything life has to offer in my little part of the world ....tis the season to be jolly!


NotClauswitz said...

Merry Christmas whatever you choose!!

phlegmfatale said...

I've always found booze is a good lubricant for the hatching of plots. I hope you and yours are truly blessed this season, and may you clock more time stateside in the coming year!

Vinogirl said...

Grape or grain?

Thud said...
