Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Hello Utah

Family OTW start off on our annual trek to Utah in a few hours time to visit big sister and family. I love the desert drive (plus my traditional run in with the highway patrol) with its endless (to a Brit) vistas, plus...the warm greeting at journeys end.


monkey said...

have a safe journey

Vinogirl said...

Have a good trip :)

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Elecs lives near an arch like that Thudders, only his arch bends over into the sea...

Have a great trip!

James Higham said...

That ain't scouse country.

BobG said...

W00t! Hope you have a good time here in Utah.

Putz said...

my utah doctor says i can onlt go 35 miles per hour now and only in the day time

Wartime Housewife said...

Stunning picture

NotClauswitz said...

Prolly more open and friendly in Utah than Sonoma...