Monday, 4 November 2019

Thief in the night.

My beloved Mother, Mary Agnes Parry passed away last week in her sleep surrounded by her family in as she wished her own home, as good a passing as one could wish for I hope. This is not the place to mourn and mourn I do but I did want to mention the cause of her Passing. She was diagnosed with Alzheimers 4 years ago at 81 but had in fact been suffering for perhaps 3-4 years previously. A once determined, smart, powerful and incredibly independent Woman was rapidly reduced to a person completely relying on the help of others just as much as a new born depends on its parents. The NHS  in our area is pretty good and I could not fault the help we received from all concerned but even so the crushing effect on my Mother and all of us around her was immense. I'd just like people to know that Alz more than most diseases blights both the sufferer and their family, taking away all freedoms and most of lifes daily joys. I don't wish to rant but the increase in Alz needs more attention from both the public and the Govt.....Alz steals away everything from your loved one and spares no feelings. Sleep well Mum you are free now and always in our hearts. Jamie.


Scrobs. said...

It's right to open up like this when you lose a loved one Thud - part of the process.

Mother Scrobs was just the same, but still happy in her own world, and I understand how you feel.

Love to you all.

Vinogirl said...

R.I.P Maro.

phlegmfatale said...

Bless you all. Alzheimer's is a hideous and cruel thief, indeed. I am glad her final hours were in her own home and surrounded by the love of her dear ones. May this horrid blight be wiped from our species this century.