Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Pizza pie.

 First buy for new house next week, its not like any of us are going on holiday is it?


Albert said...

I see lake Brimstage has grown, but by the looks of it , you won't be bothered.

Thud said...

Albert, it was at its best today! still here for a while yet, you gonna check out new place?

Albert said...

Passed today, swam my car through it, you invite us and we'll pop around, haven't seen you for yonks

Scrobs. said...

I've got a puzzle on 'The Da Vinci Code' app, which looks exactly like that!

Rather partial to pizza, so will ring in an order soon...

Thud said...

albert....will do when we get a little organised.
scrobs....peroni included with every pie.

E-K said...

As it happened I made pizzas from scratch last week. They came out square but were good all the same.

O/T I'm not really into guns but I can totally see the point in this one:

Pocketable and a useful slug, semi auto with double action and a hidden hammer.