Saturday 19 January 2008

Keep the home fires burning.

I'm feeling a tad tired this morning,due I think to spending yesterday in Napa shifting a large amount of wood from a huge oak that came down in christmas storm. From the small amount I know about wood burning to heat a house, I would imagine the tree is good for a years heating. I have already decided that the next project house in u.k. will be as energy efficient as possible...a combination of heat pump and wood fired I think.Besides the use of an open fire(not very efficient) stove(better) I intend to use a high efficiency wood burning boiler from Austria to power the underfloor heating .The wood for all this will ideally come from own land with house but I am seriously looking at buying a small wood for this purpose plus the added benefits of investment and as a pleasant by! The reason for this drive for energy self sufficiency is twofold...firstly..cost..rising all the time and not likely to ever come down,now a major factor in most people budgets. Secondly..I just can't stand the thought of putting more money in the hands of gangsters like Putin and Saudi medievalist savages! win for me I think.

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