Friday, 17 July 2009

An apple a day.

Peasgood's just sounds good to say, so English, so....mysterious. No real mystery though as it is the name of just one of the many hundreds of types of English apples that luckily have survived and are being planted in ever increasing numbers by apple and cider lovers such as myself. When looking around the grounds of my new house/project a few weeks past I noticed quite a few apple trees,some of which looked to be of considerable age. I look forward to discovering exactly what variety of apples these trees produce as many old houses have often been the repository of hitherto unknown varieties. Liverpool has many remaining gardens of long gone merchant mansions some of which still have hidden in obscure corners wonderful ancient apple trees,my favourite being in Allerton towers. It never ceases to amaze me that people seem afraid to pick fruit whilst happily paying a small fortune for fruit flown in from all corners of the earth,so all the more for me then. For the new house I have already ordered quite a few new fruit trees including several cider apple trees (kingston blacks) in the hope that I can improve the already decent (hard) cider I make. I often complain about the English climate and spend a fortune taking myself off to more temperate climes....we do however have perfect weather for producing top quality soft roll on next spring!


Trubes said...

I Likes a drop of Cider meself Thud.
You and Vinogirl certainly have a passion for 'vitnering and brewing', if those be the correct terms!
My Brother used to make wonderful Ginger Beer, guaranteed to blow your head off after one sip!


Vinogirl said...

Plant and brew on!

monkey said...

walking around chavscos today i went to get some fruit and as you say it seems all but a minor few are from lands far away. i want some fruit from my country as it not only tastes sweet but keeps our hard working farmers in the job.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

A Man after my own heart Thudders!

There's a bit on apples later on here

All strength to your Strongbow...