Monday, 24 August 2009

Crime of the century

Back in the 19th century there was a school of thought (physiognomy) that said that there was a recognisable criminal class.The pseudo science was soon proved to be utter tosh as criminals were readily available in all shapes,colours and flavours. The chap in this article though does tend to give some rather belated credence to the easy collar for plod I would have thought.


Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

'Supertramp' did a better cover...

Thud said...

Scrobs....I fought in the punk wars against the likes of them.

monkey said...

if ever i have seen a Knicker wearer that would be the guy every time. just look at him he looks as if he is having a good sniff just sitting there.

Candle said...

Oh my god this is priceless! And a Mayor, no less. He looks pretty creepy :) Just the look you'd expect - this is way better than fiction.

Hey Thud, are you an American or a Brit? I'm an American, and a dude by the way..


Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

I'd have thought you'd have liked them Thudders!

The 'Live in Paris' album has the best crowd cheer I've ever heard after that long track ...(momentarily forgotten title), about Churchill...!

Putz said...

i have been caught wearing those before

NotClauswitz said...

He certainly looks the type to wear them on his head.

Thud said...

Candle...I'm a true Brit but with a large family in America and a love of all things truly American. I own a home out in Ca and will be visiting soon so my blog then takes on an American slant.

Putz said...

candle is a dude...well i never

BobG said...

"It could probably be shown by facts and figures that there is no distinctly American criminal class except Congress."
-Mark Twain