Tuesday, 25 August 2009

Get a move on.

Princess OTW contemplates a spot of roofing with more than a little trepidation.....we start them early around here.


Anonymous said...

I thought madam was too busy making friends with the cows,what a horrible dad making no1 daughter work.

Thud said...

It is the Victorian patriarch in me coming out.

Trubes said...

Now, if that was my darling, little monster, Grandson, Freddie, he'd be up that ladder and on the roof...

Thank heaven for little girls!


P.S. Little Princess seems to be rather grown up, must be the 'elder sister syndrome'!
Hope Baby POTW and Mummy are well.x

Tim Leatherbarrow said...

Shes walking and she can carry a ladder and put it up against the wall, so i agree with you she can do the work on the roof, kids got it too easy these days.

Thud said...

Tim....we had it hard!
Trubes...ta for regards,all are well and acclimatising to the smell of flatulent cows.

Vinogirl said...

She needs some proper work boots...got to have the right clobber.

Brian said...

Aren't there some chimneys that need sweeping?

James Higham said...

Nice place though.