Saturday, 15 August 2009

Happy Happy.

Occasionally the news from Afghanistan is good...our chaps are the equal of their forefathers and I would happily stand the chap in question as many drinks as he could handle.


Philipa said...

Hear hear!

And thanks for the advice about ivy covering walls, I will snip it off at the bottom and wait for it to die before tearing it off.

Sen. C.R.O'Blene said...

Big bang that Thudders - nice recall of a great moment.

monkey said...

what a great shot, whats worries me is that if it was such an important figure should they realy by broardcasting is name all over the internet and the fact he has a wife.?
We deserve some god news from Afghanistan but not at the price of our boys safety.

Putz said...

looks like a toy...if only it was...

Candle said...

Come call that a gun? Now THIS is a gun...