Today, those that care and those that remember celebrate Battle of Britain day in remembrance of the brave pilots who fought and in many cases died in the defence of Great Britain.Men such as
James 'ginger' Lacey daily risked their lives to keep the people of this island safe from the depredations of the murderous Nazi regime. Look to the heavens today and think for a minute of those young men who gave their all, for our to often casually assumed freedom...they deserve our prayers and thanks.
They were certainly brave - and skilled. Pound for pound they destroyed the Germans like 2:1 or some horrific number. (correct me if I'm wrong...I "seem to remember" reading this in Churchill's memoirs).
Awesome lads, they made us look silly sitting on the sidelines.
DC...better late than never!
Indeed we owe a great debt to Fighter Command for convincing Britain that we would win despite the odds. Appreciating that, Churchill's "Never in the field of human conflict" speech referred as much to a strategic victory which stalled Hitler's momentum as the actual tactical victory in the air(and, pace the revisionists, it was a decisive victory albeit a narrow one). And please remember that Bomber Command lost more aircrew than Fighter Command during the Battle in raids on invasion barges etc.
Gallimaufry....any body who flew an aircraft of any tpe in defence of this country has my heartfelt thanks,as for revisionists...sod em!
as usual a war mongering post although i join in celebrating the heroism of the actual servicemen
Putz..apparently celebrating our young airmen who contributed to the defeat of the genicidal nazi regime is warmongering...an interesting view to say the least
What's so bad about war-mongering when it's Che Guevara on a t-shirt?
Great stuff, Thud. Aren't the Spitfires and Lancasters fine machines?
James....the very sound of them fills me with pride and joy...truly.
sorry but i have been battleing candle and i think he is less of a pacifist than i am or that you are for that matter, although i so appreciate my dad's contribution in the navy and my uncle who was sunk abeit for freedom in an japanese boat by american artillery
Putz - why are you battling me :)? I'm not a pacifist, because pacifism leads to losses in chess, love and survival. And I love chess.
God bless them all...ooh Thud remember that giant model you had of a Lancaster when we were small? I love the Lancaster.
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