I pass the above pillbox everyday and I have been given to thinking about whether it should be refurbed and pressed back into service.I think the accompanying
spigot mortar mount (a one shot and then proceed straight to heaven weapon) would make a perfect weapon for destroying carloads of marauding inner city youth and any jihadis crazy enough to get within range...any volunteers for duty?
Hahahaa, this is priceless :) Wish I could volunteer.
So you also pass the old antiaircraft site as well,as soon as you join the lane the field on the left held 4 anti aircraft guns further along is a clump of trees,that was the camp, bits of it are still in the undergrowth,opposite later on held the radar on a ramp,notice some sod has stolen the steel pin which held the mortar,just for you going to Wallasey,on the right of I think is Price St is a white building which has a plaque,it held a piece of shrapnel,which was found when they rebuilt the bombed building,some sod stole the shrapnel about 5years ago,the owner has another plaque over old plaque,time for you to see what it says
Anon...ta for the info,I'll have a good root in the woods...anything else near by?
Beware of unexploded ordnance while rooting in the woods!
DC...when growing up we would still find german incendiaries.
Your blog upon the roof,the wood in the background,to the right was a Starfish site for liddy pool town centre,nothing left of it,not even on Google,Levers causway at the top had a radar site with control bunkers but they went about ten years or more,one guy on a forum who worked for Levers estates said that he was told they hid tanks and vehicles under the trees along the causways and woods,when they arrived via Birkenhead docks from the USofA.
Keep the scallies and mozzies away by converting the pillbox into a Bat Roost
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