The sights and smells of autumn are all around at present but an unexpected yet very welcome Indian summer has graced us the last week and will hopefully continue with us for at least a few more days.England on a soft sunny gentle September day is a very pleasant place to be indeed and I for one wouldn't swop it for anywhere.
What a lovely picture you paint. England is a wondrously lovely place, and I can imagine that effect is compounded with the faint bite of Autumn's chill in the air.
Beautiful picture. My wife and I went to London for a vacation. We didn't get to see real beauty until we took our trip to Stonehenge and Bath. We think if we go back to England one day, we'll avoid the city and just find some little town to hole up in or go town to town or something like that.
Candle...I'm a pretty good tour guide...as a footnote the little building on the right is a 200 hundred year old outhouse!...my wife isn't too impressed with my delight in its existence.
I like things that last. They allow me to connect a little with the people who made them. Especially with something so appreciable as an outhouse.
just enough time to finish off my toms.
I'm jealous.
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